2.GM Commands:
.usr hp <hp> <max hp> - Change the hp of selected user only.
.usr mana <mana> <max mana> - Change the mana of selected user only.
.usr gold <num> - Change the Gold of selected user.
.usr lvl <num> - Change the Level of selected user.
.usr speed <num max 30> - Change the Speed of selected user.
.usr wspeed <num max 30> - Change the Water Speed of selected user.
.usr scale <num .02-4> - Change the Scale of selected user.
.usr mount <id 1-64> - Change the Mount of selected user.
.usr exp <exp> - Change the EXP of selected user.
.usr aura <aura id> - Change the aura of selected user.
.usr spell <spell id> - Add a Spell to the selected user.
.usr skin <skin id> - Change the Skin of selected user.
.usr talentxp <num> - Add Talent points to the selected user. .gm pass <oldpass> <newpass> - Change your real pass for account lvl.
.gm off - Removes Display <GM> username.
.gm on - Adds Display <GM> username.
.gm kick <name> - Kick the named user.
.gm save - Force to save all characters.
.gm announce <message> - Send a message to the world.
.move where - Gives your coordinates.
.move there <name> - Move to the named user.
.move here <name> - Move the named user to you.
.move fast <x> <y> <z> - Move you to the coordinates.
.move world <x> <y> <z> <m> - Move you to the coordinate and map.
.move town <town> - Moves you to the typed town.
.move prog - Move you to the programmer isle.
.move isle - Move you to the admin isle.
.npc info - Displays info on the selected npc.
.npc mobs <modelid> <npcflags> <faction> <level> <name> - Spawn a NPC at your location.
.npc taxi - Adds a Taxi To Current location.
.npc spell <spellid> <price> - Add a spell to the trainer NPC.
.npc rmvspell <spellid> - Remove a spell from the trainer NPC.
.npc item <itemid> <amount> - Add an item to the trainer NPC.
.npc rmvitem <itemid> - Remove an item from the trainer NPC.
.npc itemmove <srcslot> <dstslot> - Move an item into the vendor NPC.
.npc delete - Delete NPC from world and all entire DB.
.npc level <level> - Change the level of selected NPC only.
.npc skin <skinid> - Change the Skin of selected NPC only.
.npc faction <faction> - Change the faction of selected NPC only.
.npc name <name> - Change the name of selected NPC only.
.npc flag <flag> - Change the flag of selected NPC only.
.npc animfreq <frequency> - Change the frequency of selected NPC only.
.npc random <num 0-1> - Set random on/off of selected NPC only.
.npc addmove - Add a waypoint at your location of selected NPC only.
.npc run <num 0-1> - Set run on/off of selected NPC only.
.npc state <num 0-2> - Sets if NPC will auto attack of selected NPC only.
.npc scale <num> - Set Scale of Selected NPC only.
.npc hpmin <num> - Set Min HP of selected NPC only.
.npc hpmax <num> - Set Max HP of selected NPC only.
.admin ban <name> - Ban named user from server.(gives you the IP for unban).
.admin unban <IP> - Unban IP from server.
.admin lvl <name> <lvl account> - Change the lvl account of named user.
.admin addspirit - Adds a Spirit To The World.
.admin die - Makes the user Die.
.admin revive - Makes the user Revive.
.admin update <old> <new> - Updates Opcodes.